About posting on reading blog: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/syyinglee
Writing: I am interested in the word choices that the author used while reading. I have a red notebook which is especially for the beautiful sentences or usages of the books I read. For instance, I wrote down a description recently: “In the evanescent rays of the sunset, the entire western skyline was bathed in an orange-red hue.” I can’t say that I improve my writing ability by taking these notes; however, I try to write with words I learned and keep improving the word choices I make.
Vocabulary: I don’t usually look up the dictionary unless I really want to know that word. I have to repeat the example which I came across recently: I found “a few headlights glared…” in the book I read. In my GRE Test 19, section3, number13: CACOPHONY: SOUND: ? The answer is (D) glare: light  
It surly happened by chance. Nevertheless, I did have similar experiences of reading. It always impressed me if the word I learned lately appeared in the book I was reading (especially when I recognized the word familiar was to me and then looked it up in the dictionary).
Speaking: I am not sure about this part. Yet, I found that I did read to myself while reading. When I read silently, I would use the tone that the character should have. Sometimes, I really want to know how to pronounce that word, I would look it up in the dictionary.
As I mentioned before, I enjoyed a lot and also learned so much through sharing with good friends on blog. I love to share my feelings and life with others. It is warm that we share our inner worlds and give feedback to each other like a big family. I did check our reading blog every time I turned on the computer. I expected that some of us share something or reply something. I felt good when others accompanied me on blog. I love to share with others whenever I have something in mind or I read something really touches me. I write on my own blog now. Sharing is the indispensable element of my daily life.

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