Tomorrow's (Sunday, Sept. 21st) NY Times travel section has a 3-page article about Taipei food.
Tomorrow's (Sunday, Sept. 21st) NY Times travel section has a 3-page article about Taipei food.
Suddenly, I just feel this moment is so familiar.
It’s like yesterday and today are playing at the same time.
As a matter of fact, I miss you.
Maybe you know this already.
I still want to recommend this free internet Radio,
I was so excited when my professor told us about this. (I know, I am not modern at all)
You just choose the kind of music you like (or an artist you like...)
The radio station will keep playing songs you might like !!! (So far...I like most of them)
在紐約什麼都貴、為了省錢、就算為了一小瓶醬油、也要到各大市場商店比價。看到便宜的、再大罐都要從中國城扛回來、那天看到台灣公賣局的米酒,二話不說、也要扛回來、看到台灣相關的產品(大同電鍋)和食物(香腸、波霸粉圓、沙茶醬。。。)就瘋狂地扛回家(雖然回來以後肩膀酸痛兩天)。關於吃的我可以很隨便、有得吃就好、沒想到這曾經讓我兩星期掉三公斤的地方、目前卻被自己的home cooking和奶奶的水果+果汁+甜點寵壞(喜滋滋)、我只想大聲說:有廚房真好!
昨天輪到房東煮、所以他帶我跟奶奶去附近一家號稱全紐約最好吃的PIZZA店(FORNINO)、吃完以後大概也不會再吃連鎖店的PIZZA了、提拉米蘇跟冰淇淋好好吃喔!原本以為拮据如我、這兩年美食都只能看、剛好房東不喜歡香蕉芒果冰期淋、奶奶吃一點, 整碗都我的、真是天助我也!雖然前天老爸他們打來的時候、正在吃鹽酥雞、聽到香味、內心仍然十分感傷、只有媽媽的雞肉ㄉㄨㄥ(四聲)照片陪我想台灣了!