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Natasha Bedingfield Soulmate Lyrics

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Colbie Caillat - Bubbly lyrics

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作詞:王雅君 作曲:王雅君 編曲:洪敬堯/謝明祥

每段故事都有一篇劇情 每段愛情都像動人旋律

hanna1114 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

Jean 傳小眼睛給我
但是 Jean送給我的第二首歌...(鼻頭一酸)
真心一百顆推薦給姐妹們- 你只有一個

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One black carpet is stumbling,

I can read his innocence,

through his blue eyes.

You can smell his shyness,

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(my desk~hey hey...得意的笑)

林凡-- 在記憶盒裡快消失的名字又出現了
帶來很多人唱過的歌...Time after time 

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  • May 19 Sat 2007 20:16
  • 風箏

看到電視上的專家在談論 風箏理論...
他說 男人是孤獨的動物 

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It's an old song...
The melody is entrancing...
However, I really think they should exchange the places of 

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Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury
     Though I have been stuck in the mud of GRE for a long while, I read this book recently because of Ping. It is a classic novel. One thing you have to know in this book is that the firemen’s job is not to fight fire, instead, is to burn books. With a unique insight, Ray Bradbury leads me to reflect upon our lives, our society, and our civilization. “The mind drinks less and less. Impatience Highways full of crowds going somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, nowhere.” Do you feel familiar with this kind of emotion? I do.

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他總能寫出令我掉淚的詞 很多淚.....

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(很可愛....改天介紹給薛小妹 哈哈)

What happened?

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我已經聽到樂樂谷裡有人大叫: 是胖熊......
對啦.....我的最愛!! 哈

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  • Mar 21 Wed 2007 10:06
  • Angel


hanna1114 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

作詞:小安 作曲:小安 編曲:小安 
就要發生的事件 如何有所準備
它就靜靜的出現 卻衝擊了我的視覺
以為豐富的經驗 能讓我度過一切
我逞強地撐著撐著 卻不住地後退
從來沒有什麼眷戀 終於現在我才發現
我的心裡有個角落 在等著你的出現
眼前早已失去警覺 任你輕易推落海邊
每天總是期待看你一遍 哦
愛的感覺這麼強烈 我怎能否決
不管天涯海角 我要在你的身邊
愛的感覺這麼強烈 我怎能否決
不管天涯海角 我要在你的身邊

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I am addicted to this song......
Well, I totally understand why this song is so popular......
Deep in my heart.......
I can hear my own answer

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It's beautiful.......check this out!

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我第一次無意聽到這首歌 就被觸動
這首歌叫做 看著照片

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我不願意 聽你說放棄
累的心 仿佛失去全部力氣
多想可以 繼續擁抱你
讓愛情 用微笑一路走下去

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(A picture my dad sent to me BY EMAIL....white peacock is beautiful, isn't  it?)

1/1 p.190~p.213 (45 minutes?)
1/2 p.214~p.264 (1hr and 30 minutes?)

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