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Before logging in

 Except for the article about landmarks in Second life, I tried not to read any information about this system so that I can try it as a new user who doesn’t know much about it. The navigation before logging in is clear with the steps: create an accountà confirm emailàdownload. In the end, I found this part was the only navigation that I didn’t feel lost in my whole experiencing process. There was one more thing that I found interesting that it provides audio captcha for blind and low-vision users. I still can’t imagine how these users can play with it. 

Global navigation system

 In second life, global navigation bars above include “file, edit, view, world, tools, and help.” And there are global navigation buttons underneath with some functions and maps. At first glance, I thought this is not that difficult to play with since it looks quite simple. However, after I clicked on each bar, it’s quite deep. The options are varied within each category and it’s hard to tell what’s inside each category. I was trying to play it with full screen, but I couldn’t find it. After two hours playing, I finally found by accident. It was under “view” and within “more” options that is on the third level of the bar. Before I tried to play, I actually spent almost one hour to figure out the options that provide within each categories. I felt it’s quite complicated even before I tried to play with it. Take the category “world” for example, you can set away, busy or stop all animations. I suggest these options can show up when users click right on the avatar since I think it’s related to the avatar more than the “world.” And also, users can see “chat” and “fly” again here under the category “world”, which is redundant. Moreover, the option “teleport home” should be obvious on the interface than hiding here in the category “world” that can easily be missed.  


 Since I didn’t know much about this system, I thought the tutorial in the beginning served as a good guide since it’s short (9 slides), and it answered my questions about the functions. Because of this tutorial, I didn’t need to spend a lot of time figuring out the functions on the bottom. Whenever I clicked on something, there will be an information column pop up on the right. It explained how each option work, which was quite helpful. However, there was no guide after I could finally control my avatar. I could move my avatar but I didn’t know where to go. I was flying around second life help center and hoping to see some guide on the wall or floor. There was one sign that told me to use F1 key for help. My Mac book let my screen a little bit darker after I used F1 key, and there was no help. I knew there was a help option on the top, so I clicked on it. There were too much information and links for me. All I wanted to know was how could I leave there and play in the different settings. I am not into video or computer games, so I didn’t have many clues about what to do from the second life system’s front door.

Maps, index, and landmarks

 At first, I thought I could count on the maps when I was lost in the second life help island. However, I had no idea where I was on the map, even it showed my location. I didn’t know where to go, because there was nothing around me on the map. The mini map showed me the directions and people around me, but I wasn’t in a good mood talking to people whom I guess were lost too. I thought map would show me some places that I could visit if I followed the map, but there was nothing around me when I was in the second life help island. After I almost lost my patience, I found I could teleport myself to other places by searching. There were too much to see on the map that I couldn’t tell what they are about through their names. Instead of teleporting myself here to there aimlessly, I really needed an index to see how many and all are the regions and options in second life. By that, I think I would have a better idea of the whole and be able to choose the places I really wanted to visit. The landmarks that serve as bookmarks were useful that users could track their experiences and go back whenever we want.

 Search and visit

 The searching function plays an important role in this system since users rely on it to explore new places. It’s under the category “edit” and I thought it’s under “tools.” Besides that, you can also find it on the right top of the page with a magnifier image. Without a clear idea about this system before, I wasn’t sure what to search for but tried randomly. I tried to type “English”, “Zoo”, “China town”, “School”, and “Taiwan.”  I visited some places that teaching English or practice conversations. I was hoping to know what I could do whenever I got to a new place, such as map and guide, but there was none. I was actually scared when I visited English village, mummies and skeletons came out to me. It turned out it was a game that I need to answer some questions to kill “them.” I couldn’t teleport myself to Taiwan because it wasn’t allowed. The other places I visited, I didn’t really learn or see anything special. I felt It’s cool in the very beginning that I could fly all over, take free balloon ride, walk in the sea without getting drown, walking through the walls, and so forth in the system. And then I felt bored, frustrated, and lost because I didn’t know what I could see and learn from jumping/teleporting from place to place. Maybe it’s just my problem that I don’t really play games so that I felt confused most of the time. 

After logging out

Making me dizzy wasn’t the only factor that let me feel uncomfortable with this system. The navigation system can be more helpful than confusing. Spending so much time without acquiring information I want was really frustrating though the places seem fancy. The navigation wasn’t visualized enough. I truly hoped there was an index page with some introductions for each place. Moreover, guidance and map for each new place users visit will be helpful for knowing where they are and what they are able to do besides chatting and flying. If the landmarks can be visualized on the top of the interface, users would know where they have been to or they can go back to specific place easily. In fact, I was forced to log out more than ten times for unknown reasons. I tried to play with it many times this week, but I don’t think I will log in ever again if there is no improvement. After all, it’s a time-consuming and dizzy trip that I might learn nothing.



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