To my dear sister:
I love the two cute songs you sent to me today.
They  did wake me up! 

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Understanding smile
 ...........everytime everyone

However, who gives me the understanding smile?

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A Nu 給我兩個回家作業 

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About posting on reading blog:
Writing: I am interested in the word choices that the author used while reading. I have a red notebook which is especially for the beautiful sentences or usages of the books I read. For instance, I wrote down a description recently: “In the evanescent rays of the sunset, the entire western skyline was bathed in an orange-red hue.” I can’t say that I improve my writing ability by taking these notes; however, I try to write with words I learned and keep improving the word choices I make.

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  • Apr 28 Sat 2007 23:47
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Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury
     Though I have been stuck in the mud of GRE for a long while, I read this book recently because of Ping. It is a classic novel. One thing you have to know in this book is that the firemen’s job is not to fight fire, instead, is to burn books. With a unique insight, Ray Bradbury leads me to reflect upon our lives, our society, and our civilization. “The mind drinks less and less. Impatience Highways full of crowds going somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, nowhere.” Do you feel familiar with this kind of emotion? I do.

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他總能寫出令我掉淚的詞 很多淚.....

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