I did it because it was the right thing to do. That is all. 

Well, I don't remember what it was exactly like, but I was so impressed by the line. The Chinese title of this movie is too common that you might ignore it. However, if you want to refresh yourself by experiencing a realistic school life. Just follow Erin and the students in the Freedom Writers!

As a teacher, I was so interested in this movie after I read the description of it. I felt deeply sad in the beginning of the movie. Compare to the teachers in the U.S, we are so much luckier. We don't have to deal with guns, serious fights, gangs and killings.

I was smiling when I saw the power of reading made the students change...I still belive what I believed...even much more. They just didn't have chances to prove they can. Reading others' stories is one way to release their own pain and stress. The process that Erin leads the students to think themselves matter is magic. It is Erin's strong will that changes the lives of the freedom writers. Though she had to argue and fight with others, and even sacraficed her marriage( with a man who can't be her "wife"), she chose not to stop but keep fighting, only because: it is the right thing to do. 

Everyone has her or his own story, we need to see it with respect.

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