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Gavriel Salomon gave us a talk @ NYU



"Combingscience With Conviction:Steering Research On Peace Eduction in Stormy Waters"

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After you play Happy farm every time, play with this.

You can choose the subjects!




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Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

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太讓人分散注意力 沒有重點



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看左上角see how it works的影片



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Scrub The Web is a full-text Internet search engine and crawler. It only includes pages that have been submitted and then confirmed. Here, they don’t play popularity game because “popular doesn’t mean relevant.” Scrub The Web ranks all indexed pages individually. This means all Web pages have an equal chance of ranking high in the search results. Sounds like a fair game.



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OLPC mission is “To create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning." 


Computers are tools that connect the kids to the updated and worldwide information and other people. Just like one kid’s feedback on OLPC computer, I think kids need a computer that is “useful and simple, entertaining, dependable, really a “stick to the basics” kind of computer.” Through the Internet, kids open the door to the whole world. Besides, computers allow kids typing, writing, drawing, listening to sounds/music, taking pictures, searching for information, and talking to people without seeing each other in person.
The creators of the OLPC computer think kids need simple and reliable computers, which are low-cost, low-consumption, low power, robust and light for learning. OLPC computers are made for kids in the developing countries worldwide from to mid teenage years that are inexperienced with computers.

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I like this site a lot! The animations are well designed. The subjects and the topics are varied. Followed Tim and Moby, I tried to see the free ones for different subjects. It is audio without subtitles and you can see important names and phrases when the narrator mentions them. When you watch the animation, you really focus on it. Images show up in order, and there was nothing distracting to me. If the others were free too, I might keep watching them. I checked the free movies of math for some reasons. The questions are based on the stories, which I think are great. The sound of the robot was a little annoying to me though…



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When I was trying to find an article about how Americans think about African culture for our project, this article caught my eyes at the first sight. In the beginning of the article, children’s answers really surprised me. Water, food, tent, animals, dance, sing, safari, those images are the answers when the students were asked about the Africa on their minds. Not just in the U.S, I think children in Taiwan will give the similar answers about Africa.  To Americans here, Africa is a country that is still uncivilized. That reminds me a piece of news: According to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron, Palin who was running for the vice president didn't understand that Africa was a continent not a country. Isn’t it ironic?

The popular media, TV programs, films, children’s books, and school textbooks often highlight poverty and hunger in Africa rather than showing the reality that some Africans are wealthy, healthy, and powerful. The misimpressions hinder children’s learning opportunities. Thus it is the challenging but essential task that educators should let children have the right knowledge about different kinds of people in the world, especially Africans who most of people have misimpressions on.  The author gives three reasons why we should change the stereotypical representations of Africa:

1.  It has racial relations and might contribute to racism. The wrong images will lead many black children in the U.S want to get away from connections with African heritage.

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This website aims to prove that math learning can be fun! I tried the games in my landlord’s PC. Reflections on this site are as following:

Connect sums— I like the design that there are two models: solve model and race model, which satisfy different users.  Some might want more exciting game, some might just want to know if they improved or not. As to the interface, users can play the game by choosing from numbers, dice, coins, and question mark (means computer does the decision). This game seems easy but requires thinking skills.

Number jump— It’s fun because you can smash flies with seeing blood if you add or minus right. However, I was confused how to get to the top level since the ball only falls down. And then I figured out I can let it fall from bottom level and it will show up again on other levels. It can be clearer about this part.

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Panwapa: http://www.panwapa.com/

This site is for kids all over the world to know about each other and to see the world in different ways. On the homepage, “Word of the Day” is a good idea but I wonder how much vocabulary is totally there. And also, the “Place of the Day” doesn’t really make sense by only showing the name and the flag of a country but not with some brief introduction.

     The first activity I tried as USA59007 is an activity that you can tell where you are from and your favorites on activities, food, animals, sports, instruments, and crafts. The part that kids create their own figures and homes is good for kids to explore and create something their own, which might stimulate their imaginative thinking. Kids can collect cards from treasure hunting, that is, to match the target kid by following the clues. It requires skills like identifying relationship, filtering and assigning relevance to data and information, scanning for clues and organizing information. The cards are like the reward to kids, however, I don’t see why it is so special that kids want to collect them. Kids can send and receive messages to and from each other, but the content is fixed with some choices, they can’t type themselves. There is another thing very confusing. When you click many times on any kids, they speak without a proper pattern. You don’t know he or she is talking about his nationality, favorite animal, activity or food. Another annoying and distracting thing is the sound that with every click when kids searching in others’ profiles.

     The second activity is the hide-and-seek language game. I think it is a good idea but without complete design. There are some foreign languages that kids can choose from to practice. Without previous learning, only native speakers can find the creature. What is more, there is only one level and one scenario without various options and topics that kids can choose to learn. I count this language game as unsuccessful.

     The third activity is the movie theater. I appreciate the idea a lot. Cost-effectiveness is one of the potentials technology owns, kids can see how other kids live and learn in the different corners of the world through multimedia. When I entered the page, the first thing came to my mind was that only one poor creature in the movie theater is too lonely for kids’ joyous activities. There are plenty choices (kids from different countries) there in the movie libraries that kids can choose from. It is a good way to attract kids’ attention because it is like telling stories; more specifically, telling other kids’ true stories. After playing the video, I really like the content but I found one problem that is urgent. Kids cannot pause the video for whatever reasons, so if the nature happen to call them, they can’t answer! (O.K. That did happen…) Maybe I missed the pause button somewhere on the interface. Even if the pause button exists, it is very unclear that I can’t find it after three minutes searching. While I was thinking about which video to see, the creature kept saying: “Choose a movie, click on one picture!” more than five times. The frequency of that sound really annoyed me. Besides, I really don’t like the game of this activity. The game is to find three things happened repeatedly in the video. I don’t know what is the goal for the game and what can kids learn from it. If the purpose is to let them watch it again, posing interesting questions or brainstorming about the video will work better. For instance, instead of pointing out three times when somebody writes in the video, the questions can be: Did you notice what language the character speaks in Guatemala? or What kind of plant the family were growing? What is it for? Anyhow, I mean the questions should be well designed. Otherwise, the game is not really a game. Bill’s big questions allow kids to see other kids’ answers so that they can compare. A little talk about the video and meaningful questions raising in the Bill’s big questions benefit kids which lead them to reflect different kinds of lifestyles from the videos.

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我試了vertual knee surgery。。。



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I read this story which made me reflect today.
Take a look. 
You might have a changing outlook on life...

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I did it because it was the right thing to do. That is all. 

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    在第一集裡面,除了諷刺新加坡人跟Terry一樣「聽話」,也讓我了解程度分班帶給小孩的沉重壓力。當然,有些細節,電影處理的比較誇張,但是EM1和 EM3的天壤之別,的確任人心酸。如同劇中的三個小主角,每個人都有自己的優點和長處,可以是繪畫強,可以是有義氣,可以是有愛心,在我看來都是值得鼓勵的。我們應該和李老師學習,去發掘學生不同的潛能和優點,給予孩子不同的協助和支持。人本來就是在成長的過程中學習發揮自己的潛能,找到自己的路。只是,社會的競爭,讓大人們忽略了孩子除了成績的其他部分,讀書當然重要,但是讀書不是為了考試,而是要求知識,求進步,更重要的是在讀書學習的過程中,找到自己人生的方向,了解自己想做什麼,在做什麼。
    其實,不只在新加坡,在台灣有太多的學生,與其說讀書,不如說是死背書和會考試。這部電影,尤其對於教育的檢討,我的感觸很深。文憑不能代表能力。我認為,要在社會上生存、跟別人競爭,靠的就是能力,不置可否,態度也很重要。我可以理解家長和老師憂心孩子的未來,一切都是為了孩子好。但是,他們用的方法對嗎? 給予愛跟關懷的方式適當嗎? 這些都值得我們思考,是不是在緊湊忙碌的現代生活裡,也能停一下腳步,思考怎麼做,對孩子最好。成績好真的可以保證一帆風順的未來嗎? 可以保證生活無虞? 如果為了成績,沉重拋不開的壓力讓孩子失去健康,失去快樂,那麼,這真的是for his own good嗎? 這樣的人生有多好,多有意義? 我存疑。
    在第二集裡面,焦點除了小學生,延伸到青少年。整部電影前半部的幽默對白諷刺大人的世界,映襯電影後半部的寫實和沉重。孩子們需要的不只是物質生活,最重要的是關懷與愛,關懷與愛看似容易卻有幾個家長老師能用心且耐心做到? 父母、老師與子女間的溝通也是非常重要的,打和罵是大人發洩情緒而對孩子沒有效果的方法,兩者都不能解決問題。
    父母和老師應該信任孩子,當孩子犯錯,先聽他們怎麼說,傾聽他們的問題,再去檢討自己,以及調整對待孩子的方法,而不是權威式的一味要求他們「聽話」,抹滅孩子思考探索的可能性,我認為這一點家長和老師要特別注意。我們不都是在犯錯中學習成長? 重要的是要讓孩子對犯過的錯悔改,明白背後的道理,避免再犯。有的時候,我們會忽略孩子犯錯的源頭,可能是因為我們也犯了錯。只是,我們只看到孩子的錯,非要等這個錯誤越來越大,才察覺到自己的疏忽,應該平時就給予孩子愛與關懷,常和孩子溝通,才是上上之策。

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