This website aims to prove that math learning can be fun! I tried the games in my landlord’s PC. Reflections on this site are as following:

Connect sums— I like the design that there are two models: solve model and race model, which satisfy different users.  Some might want more exciting game, some might just want to know if they improved or not. As to the interface, users can play the game by choosing from numbers, dice, coins, and question mark (means computer does the decision). This game seems easy but requires thinking skills.

Number jump— It’s fun because you can smash flies with seeing blood if you add or minus right. However, I was confused how to get to the top level since the ball only falls down. And then I figured out I can let it fall from bottom level and it will show up again on other levels. It can be clearer about this part.

Polyomino shift— It’s challenging with different levels from simple to difficult. I didn’t really figure out the right way to click the corner and make the blocks cover blue blocks. I can’t really tell how to turn those blocks, but I’ve done two levels.

Double traits— Again, this game looks very creative and challenging, but I have to skip because I don’t know how to play...

Sums stacker— It is a quite simple game that everybody can play (even I could). I am glad there is one more game I can play in this site. The sums of each stack should equal to target sum. I did it ok…

Hydro maze—I can see it is not easy only by the interface. After trying to play the game, I prove that it is difficult. I don’t really know how to win the game. So let’s skip this…

Time shuffle— This is a creative game! But I think the interface is a little confusing at the first sight. The instruction can be clearer.


Overall, I see how creative math games can be which requires lots of problem solving and thinking skills. I just felt like calling my dad in Taiwan after playing those games. I wanted to tell him that there are some games that if he let me play when I was little, things might change. (Maybe I wouldn’t study English so hard to escape from math…)More importantly, I must tell him that I am sorry that my performance in that creative site just doesn’t show any clues that I am an intelligent mathematics teacher’s daughter…ha ha



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