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hanna1114 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


I had a GREAT time yesterday!!!

It was snowing on the Big Bear Mountain!!!!



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謝謝Jeff 載我和Vivien去環球影城




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Elephant of candies 




明明去Atlantic city 大西洋城

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  • Dec 12 Fri 2008 10:13
  • 大喜

You made my day!!!Swan~~thank you!!!!!! (crying) 

 Julie and Swan made my day!!!

I love the plate from Zambia...

And also, the package from Taiwan just made me scream!!!!!


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  • Dec 06 Sat 2008 02:41
  • ENFJ


http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm (online test)


我是ENFJ(The teacher)


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有康寶火腿玉米濃湯 暖暖包 還有德國小柑橘 哈


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帥喔~daddy! 我怎麼不知道我家有捷安特? 

我的愛還有一個 我的媽呢?

阿 在看電視。。。哈哈哈



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(Here you can download the simulation game!)

I spent some time finishing six missions.It looks really cool! Not only is the simulation cool but also the feeling that you can truly join the missions. The instructions and makes you feel like you really take part in the missions in a team. The missions are not that challenging. I don't feel accomplished after I played. I mean the missions look very exciting with great simulation and video. However, I did't really need much brainstorming when I played the games. Moreover, I feel time pressure when I played those games... I know I should be quick because it's urgent. I just don't get the point sometimes. For example, the game that I had to lay food from the helicopter, I couldn't really control. And I did't know how to improve my performance at all. It didn't make much sense to me. Overall, I did get a clear picture about what they are doing in the missions and what kinds of problems people there will come across. Personally, I think the last mission is the best. Players get to see the long term development within a very short time. 


Anyhow, I think it's a good start to make serious issue fun! 

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你的卡片總是很逗趣 畫畫很多 很七彩 內容很搞笑

不知道為什麼今天一直想到我之前送你的貝克漢攝影集 然後你的表情。。。 哈


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第一次的滷味~I LOVE it!! 

This is really really good!!!!

I am not lying...



hanna1114 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


This is a site with clear goals. It helps teens that have cancers to deal with non-medical stuff that they care about from appearance, fitness to friendship. The interface is easy to understand and use. There is no artificial games in this website, but there are many useful tips and information especially for the target audience. The users can print out the instruction and text if they find them useful. The demos with animations are good design, better than text and pictures. I like the way the developers use the color. It creates an atmosphere of hope and energy for these teens. The text of this website is more conversational like talking to a friend. I am impressed that there is a good website for this small group of audience who need help. It looks simple but with thorough design, I see care and love in this warm website.


This materials in this website are based on Smart Museum of Art. First of all, I think the survey is a good idea but maybe with more specific questions than just five general one. For example, I want to check that it is not easy to move from one section to section. But they won’t know exactly where I think there should be improvement, so I suppose the survey I did won’t make a difference. Secondly, I just love the sketchbook. I can’t believe a similar notebook function I mentioned in the beginning of this semester really works well in the real use. I can take notes and record ideas whenever I want for a specific area easily, and also I can print it out or save the file. Thirdly, there is a small design on the homepage that I consider cool. Users can add a style from four of them so the background of the website changes. Users can at least be familiar with four art work before they decide which one to use. There aren’t many games in this website besides “Art detective.” It is a simple game that based on the content; users do multiple choice questions about them. “Art speak” and “Look and share” are easy to use and understand but not really interactive. These two parts provide information and pictures. I don’t know if the text is too much for kids, but I think it’s fine for people who are interested in. I like the “Artist Studio” most. It gives users motivation to know more about art through an expert’s eyes. Moreover, video is a good way to present it vividly and conversationally. It closes the artist and users’ distance. Even more, in the end of the video, there is a section called “kids question” that might solve many users’ questions through the conversation like talk. Though I was scared by the sound when my mouse pointed to the start page, the other sounds are fine; moreover, users can choose some parts to listen to if they don’t want to read or they can’t read. The “close” sign for each window is a little bit hard to find in the beginning of navigation, because they are in different places of different windows. In general, I think this website is effective for the target audience.

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Thank you!!!! Julie :)

"There is a legend amongst the highland indian village of Guatemala.If you have a problem, then share it with a Worry-doll. Before going to bed, tell one worry to each doll, then place them beneath your pillow. While you sleep the dolls will take your worries away."

I like this gift so much, though I don't know if six tiny dolls are enough for my worries :)

Oh~I want to visit South America again!!!!!!!!

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Hanna, you got a mail!

Hanna, you got a mail!

Hanna, you got a mail!

連三天收到小情侶的明信片(學長真的很搞笑 搜妹很sweet)

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去洗衣服的路上看到一些小孩拿著南瓜 裝扮各不同

(女超人 仙女 小熊 小動物居多)

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其中一攤讓我眼睛一亮 小飛象ㄟ!!!

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這個週末太美好(雖然外帶重感冒回來 齒還是搖)





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